Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Well 2 weeks ago I made homemade chicken soup with my husband which was my grandmother recipe. It inspired me to bake this time around. I have always loved baking. I even thought about one day opening some kind of business and have some of my baked goods for sale.
Since Purim is March 10th this year, I thought to make some delicious hamantashen but use grandma's recipe. I was so excited to make them because I remembered how much fun I had as a child. I was always the one child who would stay with grandma and finish the cookies. Every moment, from buying the rolling pin to taking them out of the oven, I thought about all the fun times I've had with Gramcracker. Grandma would make most of the hamantashen with prune and then some with apricot center; I made them all apricot. I ended up making 80 of them. I have 3 left because I gave almost everyone at work 2 or 3 and mailed a box filled with them for my twin. I told my mom I would send them and would love to send to my sister and aunt too. Here are some pictures of the process to making delicious hamantashen-
This is pretty much all the ingredients and utensils I needed.
I used some apricot spread along with dried apricot to make the filling. Mmmm, I love apricots! Before making the filling, I made the dough. It had to be refrigerated for an hour. The was the worst part because all I wanted to do was start. Once the time past I rolled the dough out and cut my circles and put the filling in. The best part was when they were all finished. The apartment smelled so good and I couldn't wait to eat some! They looked delicious before they were put in the oven but even better when they all came out!

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